Take Care of your Skin & Hair in Winter

Winter is heaven for most of us, warm coffee, soup, and other comforts under a warm blanket on a nice bed. As much as we or some people enjoy winters, cold air also brings problems like hair fall, dandruff, dry skin, etc., due to less moisture compared to warm air. Our hair and skin need adequate protection from dry or cold air, which can cause skin irritation and itching. Let us look at some basic ways to keep your hair and skin healthy.

Why is it important

  • Hair and skin are not only for external appearance; they are also necessary for certain body processes.
  • Skin is a living organ that protects the body from infections and aids the immunological, neurological, and endocrine systems. It is quite remarkable.
  • It is critical to keep these tissues in good condition and functioning properly throughout the year so that they can do their tasks and keep us healthy and safe.
  • Cracked, flaky, itchy, or inflamed skin is frequent in the winter, and it is not pleasant. If the red, scaly, itchy skin persists or causes severe discomfort, see a doctor; it could be a more serious dermatological problem, such as dermatitis or eczema.
  • Aside from more serious issues, there are a few strategies that can help your body when the temperature drops.

Take care of the skin

When winter arrives, stick to your regular skincare routine of cleansing, toning, and moisturizing. Cleanse skin twice a day for maximum results. Use it after washing your hands and face to avoid skin damage. Using a humidifier at work and at home to add moisture to dry air can help keep skin hydrated.

  1. Use sunscreen lotion: – In the winter season, everyone enjoys sitting outside and enjoying the sun’s rays. However, the sun’s rays contain ultraviolet (UV) radiation, which can cause a variety of skin disorders. As a result, it is important to protect the skin with a high-quality sunscreen lotion. So, the next time you step out on a sunny day, make sure to apply sunscreen on your skin.
  2. Homemade face masks: – The cold, dry air of winter strips away the oil or sebum that keeps the skin moist. A simple way to solve this is by applying a DIY face mask. It is easy to produce and can be made with a variety of ingredients such as rose water, honey, aloe vera, coconut oil, butter, banana, papaya, orange, and milk. These natural facemasks can help in maintaining the normal moisture level of the skin and avoid problems like dryness, itchiness, and dullness of the skin.
  3. Have a healthy diet: – A balanced diet is one of the best ways to keep your hair healthy. Seasonal fruits and vegetables are always available. Berries are one of the healthiest fruits to eat because they are high in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Salads, milk, juices, and soups are some more food items that can help in keeping your skin and hair healthy.

Take care of hair

Hair care properly: – In winter, choose simple, low-maintenance hairstyles. When you run your fingers through your long hair all day, it is prone to breakage.

  1. After washing the hair, apply a little conditioner. It helps in reducing hair breakage. By applying this, moisture remains in the hair and the hair remains soft and shiny.
  2. It is very important to dry the hair properly. Always dry your hair at room temperature whenever possible.
  3. To keep hair strong, smooth, and shiny in winter, apply oil to your hair. Some of the most common hair fall, itchy scalp and dandruff associated with the winter season. You can use herbal oil, olive oil, almond oil, coconut oil or mustard oil as per your choice. This allows the oil to penetrate deep into the hair roots and increases blood circulation to the scalp.
  4. During the winter, always wear a cap to protect your hair from snow, wind, and cold. Purchase a woollen cap that will protect your hair and provide a stylish touch to your winter clothes.

The techniques above can improve your skin and hair throughout the harsh winter months. Along with the aforementioned suggestions, live a healthy lifestyle by avoiding junk food, eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, meditating, doing yoga, or exercising in any way that suits you best.

Winter season can be a serious health concern for dry skin and your hair, but with the help of simple tips and following simple efforts, you can keep it healthy throughout the season. However, some people may require prescription-strength medication. If home remedies do not improve their dry skin or it interferes with their daily life, consult a doctor to establish the source of the hair and skin patches. They will be able to advise on the best course of action for everyone
